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Olympus BH-2 and BX Series Socket Connector 

Olympus BH-2 and BX Series Socket Connector

  • MS1001, Olympus BH-2 series and BX series Lamp Socket Connector. Will fit BHT, BHTP, BHTU, BH-2, BX40, BX41 and many other Olympus microscopes. Part Number #MS1001, (replaces original Part #DW119500). These parts are no longer available through Olympus and many are failing daily. Our replacement is engineered to last longer with thicker metal on each plug socket. Tighter connection equals less arcing and heat that would destroy the old sockets. **We also offer a replacement power supply that will fit the BH and BX microscopes. For this repair, we require the stand be shipped to us for retrofit, the part numbers of the original power supplies to be replaced are #DZ1295 and DZ2133. This repair utilizes the original dimmer board modified to fit a new 6v 30w power supply. No returns accepted on this item. We have no way to guarantee correct installation by end users.

Microscope Solutions, Inc., Holly Springs, NC  |  800-231-7910
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